06 Dec 2021

Why as a business owner you should be using Facebook as a recruitment tool


Over 8,000,000 people have found jobs using social media since 2017.

Facebook is becoming an increasingly popular platform for recruitment. You might be missing out on top talent if you're not using it and your competitors are!

In a world where billions of users log in to Facebook every day, it's time your business became adaptable and started advertising new recruitment opportunities in the best way possible for the modern-day - Facebook.

In the next five years, millennials will comprise 75 per cent of the workforce; as a business it is vital you learn how to adapt for the new generation of workers. It's almost guaranteed that the future millennial workforce will have an online presence on Facebook. By sticking to traditional methods of advertising jobs, you may be excluding fresh talent that can make a huge impact on your business.

Over 90 per cent of recruiters regularly check social media platforms to learn more about applicants. If you are an employer who values scouting an applicant's online presence before they're offered the job, an advertisement on Facebook has made this much easier for you to access.

What are the benefits of using Facebook as a recruitment tool?

  • Reach more people than ever

Facebook has over 1 billion users active every day, therefore your advert is likely to reach more people than ever before.

  • Low sourcing costs

Simply sharing an advert is free of charge, however it will always be advised to pay for this to be promoted so that it is displayed in front of more people. This is still much cheaper than some other directories.

  • Target your perfect candidate

By paying to promote your recruitment post, you manipulate the advert to directly target your ideal candidates, age, location, experience etc.

  • Direct applications

Users can directly apply for the job on Facebook itself, you will then have these applications available to view in one location.

  • Build a great company culture

You will be building a great company culture online, developing your online presence and potentially growing your business page on Facebook.

  • Shorter hiring times

Facebook makes it easier and faster than ever to communicate with candidates, this could considerably cut down the time wasted searching for candidates.

For expert HR support with recruitment, please contact Paul from Coppice HR by emailing paul@coppicehr.com or calling 07814 008478.