23 Feb 2021

How IV Therapy may benefit you and your employees


The global pandemic has changed the way our world functions, especially the workplace. Millions are now working from home, going out less. For most of us, our daily movements have drastically reduced. Now we are in the middle of a cold winter, meaning we are getting less sun and spending even less time outdoors.

What does this mean for you, your workplace, your employees?

The NHS released a report in September highlighting the Sickness Absence Rates between April and May 2020.

In March 2020, the monthly staff sickness rate was 5.3%, 0.8% of cases were Covid-19 related.

In April 2020, the monthly staff sickness rate increased to 6.2%, 1.9% of cases were Covid-19 related.

In May 2020, the monthly staff sickness rate decreased to 4.7%, 0.9% of cases were Covid-19 related.

What if these people had access to the right resources, would the sickness rate decrease, would performance become gradually better for all?

How Edgbaston Wellness & Medispa can help you

Whether you are managing a team that a working from home, or managing a group of Key Workers, use these resources to understand more about how IV Therapy can benefit all.

Vitamin Drips & Booster Shots are a unique and effective way to deliver nutrients your body needs directly into the bloodstream intravenously (via a drip) or directly into the muscle (via injection). These nutrients are 100% bioavailable for your body to use as they bypass the gut which often has trouble absorbing nutrients as effectively.

A course of IV Infusion drips will help to support the internal immune system, enhancement perform and boost energy amongst other targeted benefits (skin brightening and rejuvenation, hair nourishment and fat loss).

During these uncertain times, the task of maintaining good health is more important than ever.

If you believe you and your workforce could benefit from our IV Infusion treatments, please get in touch via our website.

J Edwards
Edgbaston Wellness & Medispa