24 Jan 2023

Cyber-attacks on the increase


How would your business cope in the event of a cyber-attack? Do you have a plan? Do you have adequate protection in place?

Following a recent government survey, over one in three businesses have been the victim of a cyber-attack or breach in the last 12 months.

Royal Mail are the latest victims to a Ransomware attack, it could be any business next.

Whilst it is impossible to guarantee 100 per cent protection against cyber-crime, by implementing certain controls and procedures, it can provide a baseline for protection.

At Foresee, we call this the 3P's:


As with anything, preparation is key. By looking at your current infrastructure, where and how your systems are used and identifying where potential risks are, we can take steps to reduce the risk of an attack.

Are your backups bulletproof and stored in the cloud? Can you 100 per cent rely on restoring services should an attack occur?

Is your existing endpoint protection sufficient?

Have your staff received awareness training?

We look at all these elements and come up with an implementation plan, which takes us to the next stage.


This is where we implement the agreed action plan which could include any of the following:

  • Ensuring your backups are secure, reliable, and stored away from the network in the cloud. Backups are the most important part of recovering from an attack.
  • Running a dark web scan to see if any of your email addresses or passwords have been compromised.
  • Check your servers and workstations are receiving the most up to date security updates.
  • End user training.
  • Email protection making sure any links or attachments are safe.
  • Proactive monitoring of servers and workstations, alerting our service desk if anything suspicious happens.
  • Web filtering to keep your users protected from sites containing malware.
  • Powerful Anti-Virus and Anti Malware software.
  • Firewall reconfiguration, making sure only those who need access have it.


This is the final step. Once your agreed action plan has been implemented, we will closely monitor your systems. Our proactive solution quickly alerts our service desk of any potential issues who can then promptly action accordingly.

We know that systems and procedures change which is why we will review every solution every 6 months to ensure it is aligned with the way your business operates.

Don't let your business become a statistic. Get protected today
