19 May 2023

Chamber announces next success story in WIG series


The Solihull Chamber 's Work Inspiration Group (WIG) set up an ambitious project in the autumn of 2022 with the over-arching objective to identify opportunities for businesses to work with education as well as inspire 'hard to reach ' individuals seeking employment and career opportunities.

The WIG is made-up of members from the Solihull Chamber Executive Committee and led by Amanda Holden, a Partner at The Wilkes Partnership.

With the help of Lee Jamison, vice Principal at the Solihull and Stratford College and media 'boot camp ' students, the projects have been expertly brought to life through a series of 5 video interviews.

Recent research shows that nearly 7 out of 10 employers are experiencing recruitment difficulties and this highlights the need to 're-imagine ' recruitment and think differently. The third presentation in this series focusses on possible solutions to the recruitment challenges many businesses are facing.

Sarah Wilson (pictured), a Supported Employment Engagement officer and her team at the Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council (SMBC) Employment and Skills are responsible for supporting those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) into sustainable employment.

Sarah and the team are helping employers and residents across the Borough with recruitment and driving employment within the local community.

Externally funded by the European Social Fund Sarah and the team recognise that many employers across sectors struggle to attract and retain the right staff.

Sarah said: “Our aim is to help businesses with recruitment challenges. We can take the pressure off employers for their recruitment and get as many people into work with reputable companies as we can. Jobs transform lives. Not only do they give financial independence, they give individuals an opportunity to show their talents and be a valued member of a team. I've seen people go from being quite isolated to empowered individuals. ”

Through regular engagement with employers at job fairs and information sessions the Team has developed a strong understanding of both the needs and the type of people and skills that best fit the jobs and environments.

Working closely with a diverse network of employers, from small independent-owned businesses, SMEs and large corporates, the Team consults on how they can best support new employees and agree on any special adjustments required in the workplace to ensure a supportive working environment.

The team has enjoyed a huge success rate and seen the direct and positive impact on both individuals and employers.

If you are one of the 68 per cent of employers facing recruitment difficulties, you can find out more by contacting the SMBC Employment and Skills team on 0121 704 6869 or employerengagementteam@solihull.gov.uk

View Sarah 's success story here.