08 Apr 2024

Harmonising leadership with diversity of thinking

Liz Whitfield, leader coach and director at Growth Plans Ltd explains why great business leaders leverage the strengths and differences across their teams by enabling diversity of thinking to create a high-performance culture.

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Just as a brilliant conductor brings together a variety of instruments and musicians to create a harmonious symphony; diversity of thinking in business means encouraging and embracing difference by actively seeking different views.

In doing so, comes a mix of ideas, varied perspectives and creative solutions; thus fostering improved problem-solving, better decision-making and increased innovation.

Even better, the bi-product is a more adaptable, resilient and high-performing team. Encouraging diversity of thinking results in:

  • Better decision making – with more informed and balanced decisions
  • Increased innovation – approaching challenges from different angles, leads to the development of new ideas, products and services
  • Improved problem solving – through more comprehensive and effective thinking which is essential for overcoming challenges and driving growth
  • Increased adaptability – better positioned to navigate change, respond to market shifts and adjust strategies to meet evolving customer demands
  • Risk mitigation – by anticipating problems and allowing for a more thorough analysis of potential risks and vulnerabilities, helps to pre-emptively address challenges
  • A culture of creativity – by bringing fresh ideas, mixing things up and helping create new and inventive solutions
  • Wider perspectives – opening up different points of view, giving a broader understanding
  • Increased confidence – in the knowledge that you have explored all angles


How to improve your diversity of thinking as a business leader

Actively seeking input from all team members promotes an inclusive culture and encourages open communication. To enable this, business leaders can:

  • Encourage open communication – create an environment where team members feel valued by sharing differing perspectives and ideas
  • Develop listening skills – hone active listening skills to genuinely understand and appreciate different viewpoints
  • Improve self-awareness – understand more about yourself and your impact; and how to adapt better to others
  • Practice empathy – cultivate empathy to connect with others' experiences and viewpoints
  • Be mindful of unconscious biases – recognise and address unconscious biases that may influence decision-making
  • Gain external perspectives – seek insights from external sources, expanding your knowledge and challenging internal assumptions for a more well-rounded perspective.


Working with a leadership coach to develop diversity of thinking

By collaborating with a qualified coach, leadership teams can proactively work towards developing a culture that values and embraces diversity of thought. Offering valuable insights, guidance, and tools to help leaders navigate the complexities of fostering an inclusive environment and leveraging diverse perspectives for overall team success eg:

  • Leadership development – helping the team to understand the importance of diversity of thought, recognise unconscious biases, and develop the skills necessary to create an inclusive team culture
  • Individual coaching sessions – encouraging leaders to explore their unique perspectives, biases, and areas for growth
  • Team coaching sessions – facilitating open discussions, promoting diversity of thought and its positive impact on team dynamics
  • Create communication strategies – encouraging active listening, providing opportunities for all team members to contribute, and ensuring that diverse perspectives are valued and integrated into decision-making processes
  • Guide conflict resolution – addressing conflicts with empathy, ensuring that diverse viewpoints are heard and understood
  • Encourage feedback and continuous improvement – encouraging leaders to seek feedback on their leadership and communication style providing insights for ongoing personal and professional growth
  • Collaborate on goal setting – working with leaders to establish metrics for success, track progress, and hold themselves accountable
  • Support the development of diverse networks – expanding professional networks to include individuals from different industries, backgrounds, and demographics to broaden perspectives and bring new insights to the team

Developing diversity of thought is a process that can be learnt and embedded with harmonious results. Are you ready to conduct brilliance and harmonise your leadership through diversity of thinking?

Contact lizwhitfield@growth-plans.co.uk for more information.