11 Apr 2024

How far would your travel to receive award winning hearing health care?

In this modern age of ‘immediacy’ and same day delivery, here we explore the benefits – or otherwise – of travelling to see your private Audiologist – who may be more than a High Street away…


Well known national hearing care brands are available on most High Streets making it fairly easy to pop in to get your hearing checked. Given the fact that some of these outlets might “need” to see twenty plus people a day, the level of care, however, might seem a little impersonal and possibly lacking in the time taken to really get to know you and to understand your particular hearing difficulty.

At Steven Hale Hearing, we pride ourselves on building a sustainable relationship, listening to our clients, and fully engaging with them in order to best diagnose their issues.

Is it ear wax that is causing your hearing loss or is it due to exposure to loud noises, natural loss due to the ageing process or due to tinnitus.

Is it both ears or just the one? What degree of loss are you suffering from and what hearing instruments would best suit your hearing loss and improve your quality of life?

Once we had invested the luxury of time establishing these, we may well also have an insight into the person’s hobbies, lifestyle, and expectations they may have from improved hearing health.

Private audiologists are not as common as the high street brands but the level of service we are able to provide is on a much more personal level. Appointments are never rushed and are carried out by highly experienced and qualified specialists.

Steven Hale Hearing is one such Audiologist and our clients travel from great distances so that they can continue to appreciate the care and expertise that Steven and his team offer.

Also, we know from experience that, if you research your hearing expert, you have already started to bond with them, because you will have read reviews, seen their website, and maybe even speak to friends and family about them.

Then, when you make an appointment, you will actually meet the person who features on the web pages, and is mentioned in such glowing terms on Google! We believe this makes ‘the journey’ worthwhile.

Steven said: “We have clients from all over the Midlands looking for Ear Wax Removal in Lichfield, Tamworth and Walsall.

"We also regularly welcome clients from further afield who visit from Worcestershire, Droitwich, Cardiff & London and even several clients who travel from Spain/Balearics .

"I think it is because we treat them all like family members and they travel to see us because of personal care and attention we give them.

"We invest in state-of-the-art equipment which allows us to offer the best hearing care available, whether that is fast and pain-free ear wax removal, or hearing test analysis which accurately identifies the acute range of their hearing loss.

"We are also specialists in our knowledge of the wide range of hearing aids and hearing accessories that are available and so we are able to suggest the right hearing equipment to suit both their lifestyle needs and their budget!”


In summary

You will note above that we used the phrase “luxury of time” above, and that, in our professional opinion, is one of the biggest benefits of travelling to your chosen audiologist – similar to how you might prefer one airport to another, or one holiday destination to another.

As one of a human beings’ essential senses, hearing is vital in keeping you safe, active and social.

This is why, once you have found an audiologist that cares about your hearing as much as you do, you should stick with them – even if that means travelling a little further than simply to the high street.