16 Apr 2024

Public support needed to assess demand and supply of local employment land

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The East Staffordshire Borough Council is looking to assess demand and supply employment land and premises within the local authority area.

The assessment will be carried out by BE Group on behalf of the council who will conduct an Economic Development Needs Assessment.

Studies such as this ensure there is sufficient employment land and premises for local businesses to expand into. This removes barriers to growth in the region whilst ensuring the borough’s most valuable and growing businesses are retained within the borough.  

BE Group said in a statement: “At BE Group we believe speaking to local businesses is integral to getting under the skin of the local issues.

“Conversations will touch on your business’ current situation, plans for growth and search for employment space while we will also be open to discussing other key issues that are affecting your operations.

“Your input can make a difference as it will help to form part of the evidence base that will influence the development of the next local plan.”

BE Group will be undertaking the consultations over the next two weeks and the public is encouraged to contribute.

Get in touch via an email to martinowen@begroup.uk.com

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