19 Mar 2024

Resilience goes unnoticed

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Written by Harry Paige, Digital Innovators

Recently, a student arrived late for a session. Hoody up, chin on chest. They were late, unengaged, and disrespectful; a thought shared by many within the environment.

After taking their seat, their head started to take a ‘comfortable’ position on the school desk. During my own time at school, this resulted in penalty points, detentions or worse: an embarrassing remark made by the teacher.

The noise in the session grew louder as the activities began. Their head remained glued to the table, with occasional ‘hidden’ glimpses through their hoody, now only partially concealing their face. A friend sat with them and, after a chat, persuaded them to join in.

The reluctancy faded as their charisma and intellect shone through. As their demeanour changed, they confided in a friend, explaining their diffidence and lateness.

At 3am the night before, their house had been raided by police and their sibling was taken in, leaving them parentless for the rest of the night.

That morning, they had chosen to get up. They had chosen to get ready, to come into that room and partake. They had chosen to try to do their best. They had chosen to confide.

Resilience does not mean being strong in the face of adversity. Resilience does not mean fighting emotions to get through a difficult situation. Resilience does not mean independency.

Resilience is the ability to move forward through stressful or painful experiences in whatever way helps you. Resilience is safely welcoming and moving through hard emotions. Resilience is having interdependence and being able to rely on yourself and others.

Resilience is not loud or flashy. It's quiet, hidden beneath the surface, known only to those who truly understand the depth of someone's struggles. It does not show itself to all. For some, the sheer willpower to get up and do what many consider to be the bare minimum is the most resilient act of all.

As we navigate our own challenges and support those around us, let's remember that resilience is a skill we can cultivate. It's about choosing to persevere, to seek support when needed, and to keep moving forward, one step at a time. So, let's commit to fostering resilience in ourselves and our communities, for it is through resilience that we find the strength to overcome life's obstacles and thrive. Within the Future Faces community, we aim to do just that. Keep your eyes peeled for personal development and wellbeing workshops and events, which seek to foster this resilience in ourselves and community.