01 Jul 2024

Tech Innovations 2024: Empowering Birmingham's Workforce and Bridging the Skills Gap

This blog explores the critical need for reskilling and upskilling in the global workforce, emphasising the situation in Greater Birmingham. The region is facing economic challenges but is also leveraging technological advancements to address these issues.

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By Dieter Deuer (head of Tech & Innovation)

In 2024, nearly half of all global workers will need reskilling or upskilling, a challenge highlighted in Greater Birmingham as the region navigates through economic hurdles and embraces technological advances in the tech sector with the rise of TechWM as a single example and well documented in articles like the economy 2030 Inquiry.

1. Leveraging Local Tech Innovations

With the election of the new West Midlands Mayor, Richard Parker, and the ongoing financial struggles, such as the bankruptcy of Birmingham council (I’m sure I’m not the only one who hasn’t had a bin collection in weeks…), the emphasis on regional growth, skills and tech innovation has never been more critical and whilst TechWM plays a vital role in driving business in response to this there is still challenges on the ground on this tech being accessible, especially for SMEs that are often resource-strapped.

2. Affordable AI Access through Equip.Ai

While tools like ChatGPT Pro and Google's equivalents offer great benefits, their cost—up to £20 per user per month can be prohibitive for Midmarket and SMEs . To counter this, solutions like Equip.Ai provide great cost-effective alternatives, bringing sophisticated AI (on par with latest open Ai releases) tools to the midmarket at less than a third of the cost for West Midlands and surrounding regional operations. This initiative supporting the growth of our region, ensuring advanced technology is both affordable and accessible, enabling all organisations to compete effectively.

3. AI-Powered Learning Solutions

So with Skills as the main subject, whether that making sure we have the right skills, upskilling or reskilling to transform our region into the powerhouse it has the potential to be, AI is transforming learning and training environments by personalising paths and enhancing engagement through intelligent assistants and interactive platforms. These advancements are essential for reskilling efforts, especially in regions undergoing significant economic transitions like Greater Birmingham.

4. Enhancing Engagement with Collaborative and Immersive Technologies

Emerging technologies such as VR and AR are redefining collaborative and immersive learning experiences. These tools not only facilitate knowledge sharing but also make learning an engaging and dynamic process, crucial for fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation.

5. The Rise of Microlearning

Microlearning, which delivers content in small, manageable segments, is increasingly relevant. This method allows employees to engage with learning material on their own terms, enhancing flexibility and efficiency—key for SMEs aiming to maximise training outcomes with minimal disruption.


As we delve deeper into 2024, the integration of affordable, cutting-edge technologies like those offered by Equip.Ai will be pivotal for local businesses, particularly SMEs. These tools are not just about keeping pace with technological advancements but also about thriving in an ever-evolving economic landscape.

About the Author

Dieter Deuer

serves as the Head of Technology and Innovation for Vitro Global. With over two decades in finance, energy, and sustainability sectors, Dieter has leveraged technology to advance learning and development, preparing businesses for future challenges while addressing today's economic and educational needs and has recently brought Equip.Ai to market and now heavily discounted to GBCC members and regional SME’s.